Non-Passenger Stops
Published: 02/10/2025
Non-Passenger stops use ATCOCode 999
Purpose: Indicate Non-Passenger stops (Driver rests, Depots, and Waiting stops) so that these can be included in TransXChange (TxC) files in TNDS, and BODS. This allows Automated Vehicle Locations (AVL) and Schedules to be better matched and aligned.
How do these 999 stops work?
This is the High Level Process - with the steps and the users involved.
Create Stop
Any of the Bus or Coach operators - Persona is "Ahmed - who has coaches"
As Ahmed who schedules coaches needing to update my schedules I want to add non-passenger stops to my schedules So that I can have accurate planned schedules for my coaches
Add the stop using the 999 ATCOCode to their system so it is included at the right place in their TxC file
Publish TxC file
Any of the Bus or Coach operators - Persona is "Ahmed - who has coaches"
As Ahmed who schedules coaches needing to update my schedules I want to add publish my updated TxC file to BODS and TNDS So that I have accurate information available for passengers and analysis
Publish the TxC file via the current systems into either or both BODS and TNDS
Use TxC file
Any of the Journey Planners - Persona is "David - who runs an API"
As David who runs a travel API I want to ensure that I can clearly identify non-passenger stops So that the passengers have accurate schedules for Bus and Coaches
Retrieve the TxC file via the current systems either or both BODS and TNDS
Publish schedules
Any of the Journey Planners - Persona is "David - who runs an API"
As David who runs a travel API I want to ensure that I publish only passenger information So that the passengers have accurate schedules for Bus and Coaches
Publish schedules derived from the TxC file via the current systems either or both BODS and TNDS
Analyse TxC file
Any of the ABODS users - Persona is "Ahmed - who has coaches"
As Ahmed who has coaches I want to ensure that I can compare the planned schedules to the actual AVL data for my coaches So that I can ensure my schedules reflect the reality of the journey and I can adjust my schedules as required
Access ABODS via the current systems