Managed removal of stops
Published: 02/07/2025
We can remove stops from NaPTAN by using a controlled process.
Please contact us if you would like to remove stops from the NaPTAN data set by emailing
We will take you through the on-boarding process to ensure that your system and permissions will allow the removal of stops from your local copy or removes stops from your NaPTAN files - you cannot publish any NaPTAN files that contain "removed" stops.
What is managed removal
Managed removal is a service for permanently removing stops from the published NaPTAN data set in a controlled manner.
It is designed for a situation where the stop no longer exists. These are stops where the physical infrastructure in the Local Authority has changed, which means they will never be reinstated as a stop.
For example, the area that the stop once stood at is now a shopping mall. These stops are not just no longer active, they cannot ever be recreated.
What are the steps to take to remove a stop.
- Mark a stop as Removed in NaPTAN - this will check that the stop can be safely removed by confirming it is not in any published bus services
- Remove the stop from your local system
- Re-publish your NaPTAN file
If you remove the stop from your local system without putting it through the managed removal service, it can cause problems for down stream users, especially if it is still used in published bus services.
How does the managed removal service work?
This is the High Level Process - with the steps and the users involved.
Any of the NaPTAN Data Producers (LAs) - Persona is "John who does it all"
As John who does it all for my LA needing to revise my NaPTAN data I want to inform NaPTAN users that I am permanently removing stops from the data set So that I clearly manage which ATCO and NaPTAN/SMS codes cannot be reused
By logging into the NaPTAN site, and clicking on "Managed Removal" there is a form to give the ATCOCode of the stop to remove
Any of the NaPTAN Data Producers (LAs) - Persona is "John who does it all"
As John who does it all for my LA needing to revise my NaPTAN data I want to ensure none of the stops I will remove are used in active bus services So that I am certain Bus operators using my data have updated their routes
The managed removal service checks the ATCOCode of the stop to remove is:
- A valid NaPTAN stop
- Not already removed
- Not used in any BODS or TNDS published bus routes
If the ATCOCode passes these checks it can be removed.
Any of the NaPTAN Data Producers (LAs) - Persona is "John who does it all"
As John who does it all for my LA needing to revise my NaPTAN data I want reassurance my data set has only valid ATCOCodes So that I can ensure bus operators in my LA can plan their services
The user confirms the stop should be removed. The stop is then marked as "removed' by the system and the user receives confirmation of this.
Any of the NaPTAN Data Producers (LAs) - Persona is "John who does it all"
As John who does it all for my LA needing to revise my NaPTAN data I want to publish only valid ATCOCodes So that I can ensure bus operators in my LA can plan their services
The records for the ATCOCodes marked as removed are either deleted from the local data set or are suppressed from the export for NaPTAN depending on the software used.
The NaPTAN data set is uploaded to the NaPTAN service and published.
Note: NaPTAN will not accept any data set with any "removed" stops in the data set. For this reason we are checking as each Local Authority onboards to the Managed Removal service that they have the correct software versions, and permissions to remove or suppress publication of stops on their local system.