ATCO Code split
Published: 08/02/2024
Northamptonshire split into 300 and 305
What do you need to know?
Northamptonshire (ATCOAreaCode 300) is splitting into two – West Northamptonshire (300) and North Northamptonshire (305). The NaPTAN codes for North Northamptonshire bus stops will also change.
What do you need to do?
Download the latest version of both NPTG and the National NaPTAN data or the 305 NaPTAN data.
This will update your system with the new stops.
Is this done?
This has now been completed - we have updated NPTG, created the new ATCO code NaPTAN files, and given control of the new ATCO Code to the LA.
Can you do mine now?
If you are waiting to split an ATCO Code, please contact us on and we can schedule this work in.
There is work required from the development team, and we will get the changes added to the backlog.
To be prepared, you will need a complete list of all the stops that need moving to the new ATCO Code.